Finding out the best multivitamins for bodybuilding

For many of us, the impact of bodybuilding is what we see through different competitions, or movies and TV shows, probably a known friend or family member practicing, or perhaps from personal experience. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in this field, the basic and common standpoint for a bodybuilder is to indulge in an excellent routine of diet and exercise.

Bodybuilders train for almost 5-7 hours per day! The complex art of indulging in severe resistance training to develop and build your muscles, bodybuilding relies on the effects of many different factors. Contrary to popular belief, bodybuilding is not limited to ‘muscle mass’ nor is it unhealthy like many people assume it to be. Instead, bodybuilding is simply an art of sculpting and building your body the way you desire for it to look.

Serious bodybuilders follow a schedule with adept devotion. They characterize a regime that includes high protein food, a rigorous exercise schedule, and shut down on alcohol and other harmful products. They also build up their routines based on the results they wish to see: bulking or shedding.

There are different bodybuilding workouts that are inculcated in accordance with the needs of the individual. However, the generic exercises consist of deadlifts, incline press, decline press, resistance band raises, face pulls, barbell back squats, leg extensions, bar curls, tricep rope pushdown, and more.

The names sound so exhausting, it can only be imagined how much effort bodybuilders put into their workout, how much dedication it takes up to do any of these activities. That being said, it is mandatory that bodybuilders engage in a regular and healthy diet. Anybody sculpting activity- weight loss, gain, etc. depends, by a very large margin, on food and supplements.

Our body provides us with many essential nutrients required to perform our daily activities. However, there are many other necessary requirements which we consume through food. Apart from the regular protein, carbohydrate intake bodybuilders also need multivitamins.

What exactly are multivitamins?

Putting it in simple words, multivitamins are substances that are combinations of different vitamins. They are available in the form of pills, powders, liquids, or even injectable formulae. Usually, multivitamins are provided through these alternate measures, when these vitamins are not able to be consumed through regular dietary intake. It is important to take multivitamins under the guidance and prescription of doctors, and only under the recommendation of trainers, as they do carry other side effects and consequences. There are several best multivitamins for bodybuilding which you can use to make your bulk-up journey easier.

There are many multivitamins that are generally beneficial for individuals:

Orange Triad- It supports optimal digestion, immune health, and joint health

Opti-women Multivitamin- It supports immunity levels and overall health

Opti-men Multivitamin (for men)- Includes many ingredients, particularly zinc to help increase immunity and overall health for men.

Vita JYM Multivitamin- Curated specifically for athletes to benefit a better physique and aid their fitness levels

Must Read: How fish oil bodybuilding helps us to build physique? 

However, when we look at bodybuilders specifically, it is important to understand their requirements and what each vitamin does for their body. On the basis of this understanding, and their body’s essential requirements, bodybuilders can assume the roles of different multivitamins. The best multivitamin for bodybuilding must be inclusive of an entire spectrum of available vitamins and minerals. At the same time, however, it is necessary to ensure that the supplemental vitamins are in an easily absorbable form and easy to digest as well. Bodybuilders, in particular, must pay attention to the following vitamins:

*- Vitamin A

The body requires vitamin A for muscle growth and protein synthesis. Being the best Multivitamin for bodybuilding, It also promotes good bone functioning and helps to maintain a healthy immune system. Further vitamin A is necessary for increasing muscle mass, production of testosterone in the body as well as keeping the skin healthy; acting as an antioxidant. While muscles and physique are important for bodybuilders, they must also work provocatively to keep their skin healthy.

*- Vitamin D

The primary function of Vitamin D is to support bone growth and increase bone strength. It works on the beneficiaries of calcium and also helps to keep our skeletal system healthy. Studies have further reported that a high amount of Vitamin D in the body can increase muscle strength. Vitamin D is also associated with increased performance in sports and in the gym and is also known to facilitate an accelerated rate of injury recovery. It is common knowledge that bodybuilders, spending multiple hours at the gym, are prone to being at the forefront of receiving equipment-related injuries. A good amount of Vitamin D, can be beneficial in protecting the body, and also speed the recovery process. Sunlight is the great source of this best Multivitamin for bodybuilding.

*- Vitamin C

Vitamin C is not produced and stored by the body, which calls for the need to take this vitamin from an external source. Vitamin C is an excellent source of metabolism. It works effectively to metabolize carbohydrates to fuel and provide energy to the body. It protects the body from stress, absorbs iron, and acts as an anti-oxidant as well. It also helps to build our immunity system and consistently works to maintain our muscle mass.

*- Vitamin B6

This vitamin does excellent work for bodybuilders. When we consume protein-rich food, it is impossible for the body to utilize it directly. Vitamin B6 works along with enzymes to break down these proteins into smaller blocks (amino acids), such that our body can directly benefit from them. These amino acids are very important for rebuilding (lean) muscles in the body, post-workout. Simply speaking, the lack of Vitamin B6 will prevent you from bulking up your body.

*- Vitamin B12

This particular Vitamin can also be sourced through food. It works to metabolize protein and fat, to break them into amino acids. It also functions to produce oxygen, which is essential to transport these amino acids to various muscles in the body. Further, it helps to maintain healthy neurological functioning in the body, which is key to muscle control.

When compared to normal people, bodybuilders have a higher dependence and need for minerals and vitamins. There are many other minerals that are necessary for the body such as:

Zinc-Heals wounds, boost immunity and regulates the blood supply


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